Monthly Archives: October 2014

Flëkz Street Art

Flëkz is not your usual graffiti artist. This L.A. local creates large scale murals on the walls around the city without the aid of stencils, rulers or spray paint. His only material he uses to create his pieces is a roll of humble painter’s tape. Finding light colored, bare walls to work on, Fuentes uses the electric blue of his tape to create amazing designs that you can’t help but notice. The contrast makes his pieces hover and pop off the wall and definitely stand out against the background.

- via Beautiful Decay

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The Fly & mC @ TiMAF 2014

La editia din acest an a evenimentului TiMAF Urban Art, am avut ocazia sa-i vedem pe The Fly si mC lucrand la cea mai recenta piesa in comun a lor, si au fost si destul de generosi sa ne raspunda la cateva intrebari.

Ce ne puteti spune despre lucrarea voastra de anul acesta?
Hmmmm… Lucrarea noastra ilustreaza in mare parte o combinatie de traditional si contemporan. In prima parte a lucrarii este ilustrata domnisoara Pogany, una dintre lucrarile lui Constantin Brancusi, intr-un background mai mult sau mai putin tricolor. In a doua parte am incercat sa realizam initialele pseudonimelor noastre TF(The Fly) si MC Din pacate a doua parte a lucrarii nu a iesit asa cum ne-am dorit, timpul a fost cel care ne-a presat sa “improvizam”.

Cum s-a diferentiat atmosfera din editia 2014 a TiMAF-ului fata de cea din 2012?
Pot sa spun ca in editia din anul acesta, comparativ cu cea din 2012, totul a fost muuult mai bine. Organizatorii au incercat sa ne ofere tot ce aveam nevoie (eu zic ca au reusit).

Ce v-a placut cel mai mult pe toata durata evenimentului?
Pot sa zic ca “lucrul” care mi-a placut cel mai mult la acest eveniment a fost faptul ca a adunat o mana de oameni cu care nu m-am vazut de ceva timp si chiar m-am bucurat foarte mult sa ii revad si sa mai schimbam cateva cuvinte.

Ce planuri de viitor sunt pentru echipa The Fly & mC?
Nu avem niciun plan batut in cuie, dar in principiu cand avem ocazia desenam impreuna.

Si avem si mai multe poze cu lucrarile celor doi artisti in galeria dedicata lor, pe pagina noastra de Facebook. Clic AICI.

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Stylish X-Acto Knives Packaging

I usually purchase 100 blades set for myself because it is convenient as it lasts more than one year. Most people usually use #11 blade, but there are 14 more different type of blades and we need a different kind of blades in occasion. I found information on the package is hard to interpret because it is explained as a small diagram placing in the bottom. My focus on this new design is consumers can easily know what they need at a glance. Firstly I redesigned X-Acto logo. The “X” is a stenciled letter that becomes a symbolic mark for X-Acto knife. Then I simplified information of the package, the numbers in the center are the blades number, and the back illustrations show the shape of blades.

Package design done by Heesang Lee.

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Banksy Stencil Removed After Complaints Of Racism

Banksy has struck again – but a council in the east of England has struck back, removing his artwork that it said contained “offensive and racist remarks”.
The work showed five grey pigeons holding up signs including one stating “go back to Africa” towards a more colourful migratory swallow. One of the pigeons’ signs read “migrants not welcome”, while another held a placard that read “keep off our worms”. Ukip argues that Britain’s immigration policies are too lax.
It has been suggested that the council did not realise that Banksy was responsible for the work before scrubbing it off the wall. Other pieces he has painted have been valued in six figures.

Read the rest of the article HERE.

- via Barto

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URBANBUGS : A Street Art Documentary

Urbanbugs is a documentary from Turkey focuses on street art concepts such as Graffiti, Stencil, Wheatpasting. Besides it’s visual contribution to the urban life, street art concepts became a sociological matter due to the their political messages. In this context, this documentary is trying to analyse the sociocultural reflections of street art concept in Turkey.

Urbanbugs este un documentar despre graffiti si street art-ul din Turcia anului 2010, cu partea cea mai interesanta incepand la minutul 22, cand incep discutiile despre ce cred grafferii despre street artisti si invers, documentarul devine chiar si hilar. Este de inteles ca este in 2010 filmat, dar ideile de atunci, fata de Romania din ziua de astazi, parca s-au inversat.
Urbanbugs este un documentar ok, poate cam generic, dar care merita vazut.

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